“A Mindful Approach to Coaching” by Rebecca Cooley featured in Coaching Perspectives III

Coaching Perspectives III is an excellent resource for coaches and those interested in coaching services.  The book highlights various perspectives and approaches to coaching and provides insight into how coaches across the country help their clients achieve results.  One approach discussed in the chapter “A Mindful Approach to Coaching” by Rebecca Cooley CEO/Founder of Catalyst Action Coaching, gives details about the benefits of incorporating mindfulness into the coaching partnership.  Mindful coaching, according to Cooley, provides a framework not only for the coach’s interaction with the client but also for the client to develop an awareness of thoughts, feelings, values, and behaviors that are standing in the way of success.  Once a person develops this awareness, they are able to choose helpful actions that move them toward their goals with clarity and confidence.  Learn more about how a mindful approach to coaching can help raise your awareness of the profound significance of living in the moment, and how it can radically transform your life and the lives of others for the better.

Click here to learn more about Rebecca’s Mindful Approach to Coaching.

Positive effects of being flexible

There are numerous reasons why we become inflexible. Perhaps we feel if we let go of control things may slip into chaos. Challenge this concept by letting yourself experience more flexibility in your interactions, your beliefs, and your schedule. Notice how this affects you emotionally and physically. Is it possible that you might experience less (not more) stress when you are more flexible? Flexibility may be a matter of having more trust in yourself and others. Letting go of outdated thoughts and beliefs, and rigid adherence to the way things “should be” can be scary at first but also immeasurably liberating with practice. Cognitive flexibility can be a life changing experience.  Give it a try, just for today.